wxWindows from PythonCard

Greg Krohn greg at invalid.invalid
Mon Jul 19 15:08:29 EDT 2004

Oriana wrote:
> Hi!
>    I was wondering if anyone can give me any light in this...I've
> written a PythonCard application and I'm trying to create a Windows
> executable but when I run my setup I get a bunch of errors...
>    My setup looks like this:
> [...]

According to http://pythoncard.sourceforge.net/standalone.html under the 
section Resolving Import Errors you need to import each component 
individually (PITA). In the doc he's using McMillan Installer, but maybe 
it's the same with py2exe. Anyway this is the sample he gives:

# imports required by mcmillan installer

from PythonCardPrototype.components import statictext, imagebutton, \
     textfield, textarea, list, staticbox, checkbox, passwordfield, \
     radiogroup, spinner, combobox, choice, htmlwindow, bitmapcanvas

Hope this helps

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