Getting information from OS

vincent wehren vincent at
Thu Jul 22 12:44:36 EDT 2004

Skulled2003 at wrote:

> Hello,
>    I think i made a mistake in putting my question the way i did. When i said languages i meant, natural languages (English, French etc) and not programming languages.
>   I am building an application with Tkinter as the GUI toolkit. Now in one of my dialogs, i want the user to have an option to retrieve some string in any language of his/her choice. So instead of providing a static list of different natural languages, i would prefer to present the user with only options which can be relaistically displayed on his/her system under the current settings without needing to have to download anything extra.
>   I hope this makes the question clear.
> Thanks again in advance.
> Vinod

Since you're using Tkinter bith Tkinter + Python know about Unicode, you 
basically *output* any known language without much problem (as long as 
the OS has got a suitable
font to render it).

Vincent Wehren

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