FTP transfert

Antoine Logean al at biolinux.ch
Wed Jul 14 06:58:44 EDT 2004


given this code:

from ftplib import FTP

connection = FTP('ftp.python.org')

The script write on the standart output a list of files and directories 
present on the server. Good. But how can I have this output in a string 
  that I can work with ? sys.stdout is an open file object, is'nt it ? 
So if I do :

string_out = sys.stdout.readlines()

the script of course freeze. (what is for me logic)

How can I solve the problem ?

Why connection.sendcmd('ls') does not work ? the same for 
connection.sendcmd('LIST') ? 'ls' is a valid ftp command. In the RFC of 
FTP the commands are differents as the one I use every day : no get, 
mget, put, mput, ... but LIST, RETR, ... what is the difference ?

Thanks for your help


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