Alternative suggestion for conditional expressions (see PEP 308)

neblackcat neblackcat at
Thu Jul 15 11:01:08 EDT 2004

Would anyone like to comment on the following idea?

I was just going to offer it as a new PEP until it was suggested that
I post it here for comment & consideration against PEP 308.

I'm far from being a "language internist" (on Python or anything else)
so go easy on me if this is stupid - it just seemed quite elegant to
me as a relative newbie in town :-)

I also havent got a clue whether this would be easy or even possible
to implement even if it was deemed a reasonable idea.



    Implement C-like conditional expressions, but in a more
    flexible and "Python-like" way.

    The lack of conditional expressions combined with the lack
    of a 'switch' statement in Python tends to result in lots
    of 'if'/'elif' lines which often arent needed and which make 
    code more verbose and sometimes (where there are a lot of 
    them) harder to follow and more prone to mistakes than it 
    needs to be.  

    This PEP attempts to address that by proposing a
    'Pythonesque' conditional expressions language feature
    which fits well with existing language features
    and the way that conditional expressions are often
    simulated in current Python code by using temporary
    tuples, lists or dictionaries.


    It is currently possible to simulate conditional
    expressions in Python using constructs with
    temporary tuples/lists, such as:

    sColorName = ("Black","White")[Color == COLOR_WHITE]

    This works, but has two disadvantages:

    i)  it involves packing and unpacking of a 'temporary'
        tuple, eg. ("Black","White") in the above, which
        has performance implications

    ii) this in turn means that *all* of the possible 
        final values have to be valid (not just the one
        which will be actually selected), which is often
        not the case in a more real-world example, eg:

        r = (DEFAULT_RESULT, Database.Results[index])

        In the above, 'Database.Results[index]' isn't
        defined to be valid if the 'index' value isn't,
        which means that this technique cant be used. 


    I therefore suggest a variation on the above
    syntax such as:

    sColorName = ?("Black","White")[Color == COLOR_WHITE]

    where the '?' identifies the immediately following
    tuple as a "conditional tuple" in which the tuple is 
    not actually fully evaluated/stored.  Instead,
    only the element specified  by the immediately following
    index expression is evaluated and must be valid.

    This syntax could also apply to other sequence types,
    for example dictionaries:

    sColorName = ?{COLOR_RED:"Red", 

    Again, the conditional sequence is not fully evaluated/stored,
    so it doesnt matter if it is large and/or has members which
    arent evaluated given an index value which doesnt actually
    select them.

    Obviously, the above are just simple examples.

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