Alternative suggestion for conditional expressions (see PEP 308)

Pierre-Frédéric Caillaud peufeu at
Mon Jul 19 13:31:07 EDT 2004

	Flame suit on.

	- add a switch-case statement :
	I do miss a switch-case in Python.
	The interpreter can't really optimize if/elif as a dictionary lookup,  
because what if there is a AND or OR clause, or if the object has defined  
a __cmp__ method with side effects ? This would be pervert...

	switch color:
		case 1:
			name = 'red'
		case 2:
			name = 'blue'
		case 3:
		case 4:
			name = 'colorblind'

	Could use a 'break' (like in C) or not (cleaner).

	- add a switch-case statement which can return a value.
	Problem : you need a new keyword for that, which is a bad thing... and it  
starts to look like lisp...

	I think the ternary operator is a half-baked solution to a more general  
problem ; it is useful as a little shortcut like " x ? 'Yes' : 'No' but  
doing more with it leads to obfuscation.

	Still, something lacks in Python... just like the break-n-levels.

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