BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON doesn't work inside ProperyPage !?

Robert k.robert at
Thu Jul 22 11:20:51 EDT 2004

I have a Combobox and a DefPushButton in a PropertyPage as form (a
main window; not modal dialog)

Pressing RETURN in the Combobox or any Editfield in the form doesn't

(When running the dialogtemplate as normal dialog it works.)

I also made a extra invitation by DM_SETDEFID :

self.SendMessage(wc.DM_SETDEFID, 303, 0)

- it still won't work. I'm also not able to catch the return key
(WM_KEYDOWN, WM_CHAR) at all inside the combobox control or the page,
but I can catch all other keys. Playing with DLGC_WANTALLKEYS also
doesn't help to get the VK_RETURN in any case. Whats going with
[RETURN] in a non-modal sub-prop-page form ? What can I do?


(I use Pythonwin on top of MFC; it should not matter.)

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