math module broken?

Helmut Jarausch jarausch at
Fri Jul 23 03:29:54 EDT 2004

Frank Millman wrote:
> Hi all
> I was helping my niece with her trigonometry homework last night. Her
> calculator's batteries were flat, so I thought I would use Python's
> math module to calculate sin, cos, and tan.
> I tried the example in the text book first, to ensure that I was
> getting the correct result, but it did not agree. Then my wife had the
> idea of using the Microsoft calculator in scientific mode, and that
> one did give the correct result.
> Here are some examples -
> sin(32) -
>     Python    0.55142668
>     Microsoft 0.52991926
> Version is Python 2.3.3. I get the same results on Linux and on
> Windows 2000. I also get the same results using the cmath module.
> Can someone please explain these discrepancies?

Both are "correct" if you know what you have been asking for.
In standard mathematics the argument to a trigonometric function like
sin, cos, tan, ...  is in radians (!)
This is even the case with most pocket calculators but there you can switch
In the example above, Microsoft - something special as ever - seems to expect
the argument in degrees (which is quite unusual)

Since an argument in radians normally is between 0 and 2*pi  or  between -pi and pi,
an argument of 32 is unusual for a radians argument though perfectly legal.

If your input is in degrees, define

def mysin(x)
     return math.sin(x/pi*180) # 1 degree = 180/pi radians (don's use  x/180*pi)

print mysin(32)  gives 0.529919264233

Helmut Jarausch

Lehrstuhl fuer Numerische Mathematik
RWTH - Aachen University
D 52056 Aachen, Germany

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