What's the best Python freeze tool?

Miki Tebeka miki.tebeka at zoran.com
Mon Jan 19 17:35:16 EST 2004

Hello Eric,

> I'm working with McMillan Installer and didn't see any major bug. Note however 
> I'm still using Python 2.1 and Installer 5b5_5. There is apparently a new 
> Installer version (6 something - not yet "official"), but I don't know if it 
> correctly supports Python 2.3 now; I'm quite interested in hearing other users' 
> experiences, BTW...

I've used py2exe a lot and it's OK. The latest version (0.5) made me
switch to cx_freeze (new syntax for setup.py, less comptability with
scripts running from the interpreter ...). I'm pretty happy with it.


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