Python And Internationalization maybe a pre-pep?

Brian Kelley bkelley at
Fri Jan 9 12:02:36 EST 2004

I have been using gettext and various utilities to provide 
internationalization for a wxPython application and have not really been 
liking the process.  Essentially it uses a macro-style notation to 
indicate which strings should be internationalized.

Essentially, everything looks like this

A good description of this system is located here

I got to thinking that this is python, I shouldn't have to do this.  Why 
not have a mechanism to capture this data at compile time?

I made a new python string type and got enough working on the parser to 

string = i"whatever"

Which is just a subtype of string.  When python parses this it adds it 
in an entry in the internationalization table.  (essentially a 
dictionary)  It also addes it as an entry to the standard gettext 
mechanism to indicate strings that need to be localized.  When the 
string is created, if a value exists in the international table for the 
given string, the string is converted to the current locale.

The locale is set through the standard locale module.  When this 
happens, all internationalized strings, when used, are converted to 
their international representations (using unicode if necessary) 
automagically through the gettext system.

Hopefully I'm not reinventing the wheel but one nice thing about this 
system is that after some slight code modifications to the python 
sources declaring exception error messages to be international, I now 
have a nice dictionary of error messages that need to be localized. 
These would be localized in the standard way using gettext tools.

Now, I don't know if this is a good idea or not, and I may be 
reinventing some wheels, but it has some appealing characteristics and 
ties in with the gettext system really well.  Of course, I'm a bit leary 
with changing the python parser but I was uncomfortable with the two 
step process of writing the code, then passing it through a source 
analyzer so that it could be internationalized.

Of course I have some issues, like if you use an international string in 
a dictionary and the internal value changes based on the locale bad 
things happen.  This requires that the locale be set only once at the 
beginning of the application otherwise undesirable events occur :)

What I would like is something like

import internationalization

and then at compile time strings like i"whatever" would be analyzed but 
would be normal strings without "import internationalization"

So, am I being silly, redundant or just plain different?


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