Numarray und NA_NewAll

Marco Bubke marco at
Wed Jan 21 09:41:38 EST 2004


If I understand the code right then there will be mset called if buffer is
NULL. Why? 

I want only a empty array, why not a malloc? The data section after that
will be overwritten by me. Maybe I'm wrong.

static PyArrayObject *
NA_NewAll(int ndim, maybelong *shape, NumarrayType type,
          void *buffer, maybelong byteoffset, maybelong bytestride,
          int byteorder, int aligned, int writeable)
        PyArrayObject *result = NA_NewAllFromBuffer(
                ndim, shape, type, Py_None, byteoffset, bytestride,
                byteorder, aligned, writeable);

        if (result) {
                if (!NA_NumArrayCheck((PyObject *) result)) {
                       PyErr_Format( PyExc_TypeError,
                                     "NA_NewAll: non-NumArray result");
                       result = NULL;
                } else {
                        if (buffer) {
                                memcpy(result->data, buffer,
                        } else {
                                memset(result->data, 0,
PyArray_NBYTES(result)); <-- ??????????????????
        return  result;

def get_polygon_stipple():
  """Return the polygon stipple pattern"""
  cdef maybelong lenght
  cdef void** data
  lenght = 128
  new_array = NA_NewArray(NULL, tUInt32, 1, lenght)
  assert glGetError() != INVALID_OPERATION,\
    "can't be called between gl.begin() and gl.end()"
  return new_array

Here my code. I'm not sure if this is possible? I have also found
NA_getBufferPtrAndSize? Should I use this?



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