Running python automatically in the background

Cameron Laird claird at
Wed Jan 28 08:10:39 EST 2004

In article <slrnc1e4c4.14j.bignose-hates-spam at rose.localdomain.fake>,
Ben Finney  <bignose-hates-spam at> wrote:
>On 27 Jan 2004 17:29:53 -0800, Alfred wrote:
>> i'm trying to figure out if there is some easy way to run a python
>> script in the background _without_ specifying "&" in a linux
>> enivornment.
>> &
>That's how you tell any POSIX-compatible shell (like bash) to execute a
>command as a background job.  Why is that not acceptable?
>> been looking around but couldn't find any docs to support a
>> possibility.
>Perhaps if you explain what it is you're trying to achieve, we can offer
>a better solution.
I'll speculate Alfred has an interest in what & does.  It
does this, roughly:  it forks a copy of the current process,
disconnects stdin, and transfers control to the child.  So,
yes, it's possible to write a Python program that begins in
the foreground and, after a while, programmatically "back-
grounds" itself.  Is that the goal?

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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