wxwindows question

Nuff Said nuffsaid at phreaker.net
Sun Jan 18 09:45:17 EST 2004

On Sun, 18 Jan 2004 00:10:09 -0200, Jorge Godoy wrote:
> Which widgets you missed there? 

Tkinter: notebook, tree view, printing framework
pyGTK: printing framework
wxWindows: a powerful, 'normal' TextControl (not Scintilla)

- Notebooks exist in some of the Tkinter extensions, but I
  found it easier (deployment etc.) to write my own notebook
  (which is not really good looking but enough for most of
  my purposes). Nevertheless, a notebook and a tree view widget
  should be part of vanilla Tkinter IMHO.
- The TextControl is a good example for what I do not like
  in wxWindows: it is *very* easy to use widgets in wxWindows in
  a standard way; but it is often difficult or impossible to do 
  advanced stuff with these widgets.

> It would be very good if wxPython was more python centric instead of
> trying to be more like wxWindows. But I guess that people who
> prototype in wxPython and then convert some parts (or all) of their
> application to C++ wouldn't like such a change... 
> There's "equilibrium" here, and messing with that would be
> dangerous :-) Another advantage is that wxWindows is already there
> and it works. It would be a shame not to benefit from that. 

I agree. Having wrappers for existing libraries and software is
an important thing and having *prototyping* in mind, one should
not try to make such wrappers as pythonic as possible. (Moreover,
this would make the maintenance of the wrappers more complicated.)

A native GUI toolkit for Python should be something which is
written from scratch (resp. - maybe - a wrapper for a GUI toolkit
written in C).

> Since you mentioned CGIs, don't you like using Python for that? 

I do! For web applications, I normally use CGIs written in Python
resp. ASP.NET (mainly from the Mono project) using Code Behind in C#.
I like both, but unfortunately, I have to maintain a lot of old
CGIs written in Perl, some ASP stuff etc.


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