Does anyone else not find the fun in programming...?

Rick Muller rick_muller at
Sat Jan 17 23:23:02 EST 2004

chris.lyon at (Chris Lyon) wrote in message news:<d232c5e.0401130823.27fd26ff at>...
> I find python very effective as a language and can generally project
> most of my hazy thoughts into it. But FUN !!! This is work dammit,
> I have now ground my teeth down from the number of times I read that
> programming is fun. Football (association) is fun, walking along
> canals is fun, Arguing about quite how useless the British Government
> is fun but programming  ?
> Do I need help ?
> (Actually typing this was quite fun, so perhaps)

I never found programming fun until Python. But I find Python's syntax
so natural that I can write little toy codes almost effortlessly and
try out ideas, which I find incredibly gratifying. Plus, I really like
the fact that so many cool things are included in the Python
distribution, so I can play around with list comprehensions or XML
parsing when the mood strikes.

However, I should point out that I'm a scientist, not a computer
scientist. I have a feeling that if all I got paid to do, day in and
day out, was write code, I might see Python as merely another tool of
management's oppression. So I know where you're coming from.


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