any news client in Python?

Josiah Carlson jcarlson at
Sun Jan 25 19:59:39 EST 2004

> That's my story too, but the way I deal with it is to present my
> BeOS newsreader and IMAP email reader as a demo application for the
> widget set, hence a built-in excuse for its lameness.  I never even
> got around to the "add group" interface you show there.  A really good
> newsreader is a lot of work (and of course its users are by definition
> the USENET crowd, not people you want to have to deal with!)  But it
> wasn't much of an issue, because each BeOS user tended to write his
> own newsreader for some reason - much easier to tolerate the defects
> of your own software, I suppose.

Heh.  I had been using a plugin that allowed my email software to do 
news...except the plugin was buggy and crashed every 2-3 posts to 
newsgroups.  I was contemplating writing my own (wxPython's treectrl 
would have been perfect for threading, as would a dict for properly 
looking up 'in reply to' posts, but I digress), until I decided to give 
Mozilla Thunderbird a shot.  Damn.  Thunderbird is the best news reader 
I've had the opportunity to use.  I'm even contemplating tossing my old 
email client, even though I have around 100 filters for filtering email 
from certain people.

My only complaint is that it can be a little laggy on a PII-400.  I can 

  - Josiah

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