The indentation & the blind (was Re: help with Python Environment For Blind User

Ville Vainio ville.vainio at
Sun Jan 11 05:43:59 EST 2004

>>>>> "eltronic" == eltronic  <eltronic at> writes:

    eltronic> notepad.exe .  it indents, can put spaces when you hit
    eltronic> tab and handles larger files than notepad.

BTW, how does the indentation block structure work for blind people?
Obviously it would be great if the source-reading program could
pronounce the logical structure as "indent"/"dedent", but that is
probably not the case?

Could people with such needs benefit from an "explicit block
structure" format for the code and a preprocessor, e.g.:

def a(x): (. print a .)

(this would also be needed in whitespace-lossy environments such as
some websites)

Certainly such a preprocessor could be hacked together quickly, but it
might be nice to have the format standardized across the whole
Pythonia, and the preprocessor bundled in Tools/ of the

Will I get prize for being the 1000th guy to propose this?

Ville Vainio

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