Hi All, have a question

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Wed Feb 11 16:20:30 EST 2004

Paul Metzger wrote:

#- Hi, I'm still a relative Python newbie, though I am learning 
#- more with every
#- project:) I have a script I wrote to back up a Linux server 
#- to another
#- server. The script is centered around the OS module. Problem 
#- is, then I put
#- the #!/usr/bin/python in the front and try to run it as a 
#- executable, it
#- comes up and tells me the module can't be imported, and the rest goes
#- straight to hell from there. Thing is, if I run the script with the
#- interpreter manually (IE, python backup.py) it runs just 
#- fine. On the other
#- two servers, it works just like it should, I type back up 
#- and it runs. Does
#- anyone have any ideas where I need to start looking? 

If you type "python" in the command line, it opens the interpreter?

If yes, you can put "#!/usr/bin/env python" in the first line of the script.

And remember, in either case, the second line *must* be blank.

PD: The "subject" field in the mail is to write the subject of the mail, ;)

.	Facundo

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