Newbie lost(new info)

Anton Vredegoor anton at
Wed Feb 25 19:15:47 EST 2004

"John Roth" <newsgroups at> wrote:

>For the rest of it, I'd like to see a *real* hex dump in mainframe
>format. From what you've given us so far I'm not certain whether
>the struct module can convert the data for you.

Probably what John wants to see is the output of something like this:

#one 'line' of data (since it's a binary file there is no real line
#ending convention: a line is just a specific number of bytes long,
#it's important to find out how many exactly)

from binascii import hexlify
inf = file('somefile','rb')
data = #a 113 bytes string + 232 4 bytes floats
L = map(hexlify,data)
print L


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