How to avoid "f.close" (no parens) bug?

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed Feb 11 12:15:21 EST 2004

    Facundo> But, what's the point to have a...

    Facundo> t.spanish_inquisition

    Facundo> ...alone?

You might want it precisely for its side effects.

    Facundo> What I'm trying to say is: If you're not executing any code (no
    Facundo> function call) and you're not doing any assingment, what's the
    Facundo> point of that line?

There is none, but the Python compiler doesn't know that when it compiles
the code, so it's not reasonable for it to issue a warning.  The OP
indicated he had a hard time discovering


instead of the


which he had intended.  A couple of us chimed in that he could detect the
problem with pychecker.  That pychecker can only say

    f.close appears to have no effect

is precisely because it can't easily (or at all?) tell whether or not it's
of any use, even though it has a more global view of the run-time
environment than the compiler does (which only considers a single module in


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