How to avoid "f.close" (no parens) bug?

Batista, Facundo FBatista at
Wed Feb 11 11:30:16 EST 2004

Richard Brodie wrote:

#- If  you can't retrofit a 'getattr' method on an attribute in 
#- this way, you are likely
#- to specify get methods in your stable APIs to start with. 
#- Then you'll have code that
#- looks more like Java: A.getB().getC().getD() instead of A.B.C.D

I'm ok to use getattr, or properties.

And it's ok to have something like:

class Test:
    def __getattr__(self, name):
        print "Nobody expects the %s!" % name

t = Test()
t.spanish_inquisition = 5
newvar = t.spanish_inquisition

But, what's the point to have a...



What I'm trying to say is: If you're not executing any code (no function
call) and you're not doing any assingment, what's the point of that line?

.	Facundo

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