Where can I post a new debugger?

Robert Brewer fumanchu at amor.org
Sun Feb 22 19:33:03 EST 2004

Ziaran wrote:
> I like URLs, they are so easy to click, and there is always 
> the possibility for pleasant surprises inside.

...and an equal opportunity for unpleasant suprises.

No, that's not true. Not equal. The unpleasant:pleasant ratio is more
like 1,000,000 to 1.

> And here is the link again; hoping this time people in need 
> will believe it worth while to click:

It's all about trust, Ziaran. A URL without explanation undermines
trust. A domain named "freehosting.net" undermines trust. A hotmail
sending address undermines trust. Etcetera. It might be the greatest
code since bread[:], but to "believe it worthwhile to click" has nothing
to do with that. Hope you can tell I'm not angry--just informing you why
I (and many others) won't click your link.

Robert Brewer
Amor Ministries
fumanchu at amor.org

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