PEP-315 ("do" loop)

Ville Vainio ville at
Thu Feb 19 14:55:54 EST 2004

>>>>> "Josiah" == Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at> writes:

    Josiah> Personally, I find altering the syntax of while, or adding
    Josiah> the 'do' to be a wart.  I've never had problems
    Josiah> understanding or writing code like the following; while 1:
    Josiah> #setup if <condition>: break #body

    Josiah> If I had a vote, I'd be -1 on PEP 315.

Amen to that! I think this is only a matter of education. People
should be told that 'while 1' construct is a good, simple, pythonic
way to do the thing. They are often prejudiced, thinking that there is
something 'wrong' with the construct. Hearing that it's ok to do
things this way can actually be very liberating: there is no reason to
feel guilty, and they will quite soon learn to appreciate how natural
and versatile the construct is.

Naming it 'loop' would drive the point even further, of course.

Ville Vainio

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