Why Python?

Robert M. Emmons RobMEmmons at cs.com
Sun Feb 29 21:22:47 EST 2004

> I am looking at learning Python, but I would like to know what its 
> strengths and weaknesses are before I invest much time in learning it.  

All of the other answers above are good.  I would say the followng:

*  Python is easy to learn.  I learned it in an afternoon -- that's an 
experienced programmer.  It's ideal for a beginner as well.
*  Good cross platform support both windows and linux.  Never re-write 
code again.  Also writes very fast to begin with--good RAD tool.
*  To write just about anything all you need to know is python, C/C++, 
and a little JavaScript if you want to make web pages.  That's it. 
Python has a huge application range--small scripts, full up 
applications, cgi scripting for the web.  You can even integrate it with 
the Mozilla platform for local cgi like functions.

What's not good in python:

*  If speed is more important than coding time use C/C++ instead.
*  If you want to obscruate your code maybe a compiled langague is better.


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