Python Productivity Gain?

Anton Vredegoor anton at
Tue Feb 17 17:29:47 EST 2004

"GerritM" <gmuller at> wrote:

>Fortran, Basic, Assembly many times, Pascal, C, Objective-C, Object Pascal,
>C++, Java and Python.
>Yes Python beats the rest wrt productivity for most of my applications :-)
>Now do we need 18 more for a SIGNIFICANT data point?

Fortran, C, Lisp, Elan, Gfabasic, Pure C, Borland Pascal, Borland C,
Borland C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, Python 

Python is the first language out of this list for me that I can forget
about while using it, so that I can concentrate on the algorithmic
aspects of the problem. 

My next language will probably one that suggests a better algorithm
after me typing in some pseudo code. Maybe using some interface to
comp.lang.xxxxxx for the interpreter?

17 to go.


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