6 Qustions about Python: Does it do GUI? more...

Jorgen Grahn jgrahn-nntq at algonet.se
Sat Feb 14 05:38:27 EST 2004

On Fri, 13 Feb 2004 14:30:29 -0000, Will <k4bda at yahoo.com> wrote:
> I just discovered Python and looked briefly at one of the tutorials 
> for beginners...
> 6 - Why another language? Easier than C or C++ or Visual C ?? More 
> powerful than Visual Basic or the competing Borland productg?? Why 
> Python?

Why *not* another language?  Of the ones you mentioned, only C and C++
are freely available and widespread over multiple platforms -- and they
are very different from python and solve different problems.

(Your mileage may vary.  I don't care about GUIs (although you have a point
there about non-native Windows GUIs being painful), and I don't care to
learn anything I cannot apply under Unix.)


  // Jorgen Grahn <jgrahn@      ''If All Men Were Brothers,
\X/                algonet.se>    Would You Let One Marry Your Sister?''

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