xmlprclib/server not reusing connections

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Tue Feb 24 22:07:05 EST 2004

Roger Binns wrote:

>>This is why I developed Stackless Python.
>>It behaves in a similar way, acting like many callbacks,
>>but you *write* your code in the most natural way possible.
>>In a way, Stackless takes all the clumsy state keeping stuff
>>away from the programmer and frees his mind to write simple
>>top-down programs with no callbacks.
> I certainly agree with that and really like your examples.
> However my code also has to use wxPython, win32all, pySerial, M2Crypto
> and libusb.  I have no idea if all those are integrated correctly with 
> Stackless (and work correctly on Linux, Windows and Mac), but I was
> certainly not going to be the first person to find out.  And I would
> still have to have fixed xmlrpc client/server portions to reuse
> connections properly anyway.

Sure. Some of my experience:
(yes, I'm using Stackless since a year now :-)

It works just *great* with wxPython. There are a few objects
which need a little care since they only live on the C stack
(mouse events for instance), but all in all it is wonderful
to use wxPython + Stackless (+ Boa Constructor + PIL + ...).
I have multiple dynamic widgets with animated graphical
content in my GUI, it is all running in a single thread,
and all my tasklets can update the GUI at any time, since
it is a single thread...

Let me know if you need sample code. Like a mouse handler,
written like a single, main program. No callbacks...

ciao - chris

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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