Tkinter vs wxPython

Alejandro Weinstein aweinstein at
Tue Dec 28 06:20:26 EST 2004

> I am especially interested in terms of learning curve, documentation,
> portability across platforms Linux/Windows and anything else you care
> to add. As I know only what I have read on this forum & surfing the
> web I would really appreciate the input of those who have used both,
> or decided to use one over the other.

I was in the same shoes a time ago. I started with Tkinter since is 
the standard GUI for Python. I read some tutorials, but didn't go to 
far, and didn't like the Tkinter looks too much. Then I tried 
wxPython, and things were better. And were much better when I started 
using wxGlade.

IMO, wxPython has a softert learning curve (specially if you use 
wxGlade), is portable between unix/windows/mac, with the advantage 
over Tkinter that it has a native look. Regarding documentation, 
there is plenty of it.

I must admit that my background regarding GUIs comes from Delphi, so 
that might bias my opinion.

In case you take the Tkinter route, I founded this tutorial useful :


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