Python mascot proposal

Dimitri Tcaciuc dtcaciuc at
Sun Dec 12 17:18:20 EST 2004

richard wrote:
> Dimitri Tcaciuc wrote:
>>While I'm not absolutely positive, it looks like Python still doesn't
>>have any official mascot or logo.
> As already mentioned, there is a snake that gets used in a number of icons
> around the place - the windows installer, for example.
>>Hence, here's something I came up with 
>>yesterday. Its by no means a final version, but rather just a draft to
>>show an idea. Here's a link to png file.
> Very cute :)
> Having said that, don't forget that Python's name has *nothing to do with
> snakes*. Please consider sticking to the original roots of the language's
> name: Monty Python's Flying Circus. IIRC, Guido has said a number of times
> that he's not fond of using a snake for logos. Hence the MacPython stuff
> uses a 16 ton weight in its icons.
>     Richard

Yup, I was aware of the fact of Monty Python roots of the language name. 
However, you will probably agree that a snake is more associative.

Plus, if to use some characteristic MP feature like a giant foot, I'm 
not positive that it won't trigger any copyright issues.

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