sql server support from linux

Benji York benji at benjiyork.com
Thu Dec 23 17:25:03 EST 2004

Simon Wittber wrote:
>>If you can get the DB-API wrappers running on Win2k, how about doing that locally and then
>>writing a quickie socket server which your linux client can connect to?

> I've exposed the DB API using Pyro. I had to turn multithreading off,
> as the server leaked memory on every query. 

I considered doing exactly the same thing a while ago, but was worried 
about running into an annoyance like that.  Instead, I looked around 
some and found ODBTP (http://odbtp.sourceforge.net/) which allows you to 
access ODBC drivers on a Windows box from a cross-platform C library.

A service is installed on a Windows box that has ODBC drivers for the 
target database and the client connects to the ODBTP service instead of 
directly to the database.  The service then connects to the database. 
You end up with something like this:

Client (Linux perhaps)  ---->  Windows Service  ---->  DB

Note that the ODBTP service can run on the same machine as the database, 
or not.  I've used it with three different machines, each running 
different operating systems.  The client was Linux, the service ran on 
Windows (of course), and the database was on a minicomputer.

Unless the volume of data you're transferring is very large, it works 
quite well.

If all this sounds like it would be useful for your situation take a 
look at the Python bindings I wrote up: http://benjiyork.com/odbtp.html. 
  A new version will be released soon with lots of improvements, and 
it'll be merged into the main ODBTP project sometime after the new year.
Benji York

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