Skinnable/Stylable windows in wxPython?

Daniel Bickett dbickett at
Sun Dec 12 10:47:46 EST 2004

I'm very near finishing a medium to large scale application, so I'm
getting a head start on the GUI side of things. Part of the concept is
to give as much attention to presentation as functionality, and
something I really wanted to do was transcend the basic window and
style it to an extent,

To be honest, the wxPopupWindow was basically what I was looking for,
but it isn't available on Mac, eliminating that possibility.
wxShapedWindow would have sufficed, but it uses a more recent version
wxPython that I've chosen not to install for various dependency
issues, so I really can't use that.

I've combed through the demo countless times, but I really can't find
any answers. So, the question: what is the best way (or is there one,
rather) to achieve an end comparable to skinning my wx windows?

Thanks for your help,
Daniel Bickett

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