Distributing Python applications - McMillan Installer question

Simon John simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Aug 26 14:35:05 EDT 2004

I've built Installer programs on SUSE 9.1 and RedHat9, and they kinda
work across the two platforms - the RH9 one also works on Fedora C1
(but not RH7.3), and the SUSE one works on Linspire 4.5.....

I'd say cx_Freeze is not much difference either, except it seems
cleaner than the import hook used in MMI.

But as far as building on Linux and running on HPUX, no chance, you
might consider Jython/IronPython for that level of portability (or just
supplying source).

Your other option is using a packing system like Apt, RPM, SunPKG etc.
and bundling Python and all dependencies with your program source (or
hoping that the user already has Python installed).

The whole *nix distribution issue is very complicated. Even the C++
guys using Qt at work here have huge issues getting code to work across

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