Popular Python projects with lots of pure Python code

Roger Binns rogerb at rogerbinns.com
Mon Aug 9 18:43:48 EDT 2004

Brett C. wrote:
> So I am trying to come up with a list of projects I can use to get my
> stats from.  the stdlib is a no-brainer.  Also plan to use Docutils.
> But beyond those most of the big Python projects I can think of have a
> ton of C code which is of no use to me.  I don't need to be able to
> run it, just going to be compiling to .py files.

ZOPE/Plone. BitTorrent.

Have a look on SourceForge.


Other than the 10,000 clones of BitTorrent and projects that
use Python very peripherally, there are many appropriate

My BitPim project has 30,000 lines of Python, 2,500 lines of
description files which are compiled into 41,000 lines of
Python and 500 lines of C/C++.  It does GUI stuff, talks on
serial ports to cell phones, has XML-RPC remoting over secure
connections, has installation code, uses external data sources
such as CSV, vCards as well as Outlook, Evolution etc.  Consequently
that gives you a nice wide spread of things the code does.  If you do
use it, feel free to send me email if you have any questions
or need help.  There is also a presentation I did which gives a
good overview:



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