Why I love python.

Jack Diederich jack at performancedrivers.com
Thu Aug 12 21:59:45 EDT 2004

On Thu, Aug 12, 2004 at 08:22:01PM -0400, Mark Bottjer wrote:
> Michael Scarlett wrote:
> >I don't know about the rest of you, but I learned python and fell in
> >love with its syntax and simplicity.
> That's the funny thing about Python. It really isn't simple, but it sure 
> seems like it is. There's tons of little niggling rules about scoping, 
> inheritance, and what have you--but you can be blissfully ignorant of 
> most of them and still get work done. That's pretty unique.
> I think that's why people are so concerned about @pie: it has the 
> *potential* to be an obstacle early in the learning process, instead of 
> after someone is already hooked.
Agreed, python isn't simple and those hidden things are actually useful for
getting real work done.  I've been using python industrially for three years
and I'm a big fan of decorators;  decorators would help me get things done.
I liked the look of [decorators] before colon option more, but the current
situation of

def foo(a,b,c):
  # 60 lines of code here
foo = mutate(foo) # oh, and by the way the 'def foo' 
                  # signature might be misleading

'foo = mutate(foo)' It is boilerplate, python is nice because it eschews

While the decorator syntax might not be obvious to newbies they won't see
it in simple code.  When then do see it having @mutate right next to the 
func def has to be more of a clue than 'foo=mutate(foo)' lines or screens away.


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