Going the PL/1 way

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Mon Aug 9 08:10:16 EDT 2004

Miklós wrote:


>>This is the basic idea what a decorator does:
>>Make modifiers like classmethod into a prefix
>>of a function.
> Great, so it's still about code modification.

No, this is, with respect, nonsense.

> With Python decorators, a method/function can be modified virtually in any
> way, outside its declaration.

No. You cannot do anything that could not be done
without decorators, before (at least today).

> Sure you could override things before, too, but now this is a request for
> code abuse.

My explanation was *not* meant as a request for list abuse.

Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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