Extending python.

Batista, Facundo FBatista at uniFON.com.ar
Fri Aug 6 14:36:22 EDT 2004

Maybe this will help you:


.	Facundo

#- -----Mensaje original-----
#- De: Grzegorz Dostatni [mailto:grzegorz at ee.ualberta.ca]
#- Enviado el: Viernes, 06 de Agosto de 2004 13:35
#- Para: python-list at python.org
#- Asunto: Extending python.
#- Cheers.
#- More questions.
#- Let's say I'm trying to extend python with a c module. That 
#- module cannot
#- be dynamically loaded (for reasons outside my control). I 
#- have to create a
#- custom python executable (or more likely custom python library).
#- How would I do that? Is there documentation on that 
#- somewhere? Most of
#- what I've seen was for dynamic loading.
#- 2nd Step:
#- Let's say I'm doing it under windows, using Visual Studio. Is there
#- anything I have to be aware of?
#- 3rd Step:
#- Let's say I don't have the source available. I do have the 
#- object files,
#- the resulting libraries and the header files though.
#- Greg
#- "The optimist proclaims that we live in the best of all 
#- possible worlds,
#-  and the pessimist fears this is true."
#- 	- James Branch Cabell
#- -- 
#- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list

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