Going the PL/1 way

Tim Peters tim.peters at gmail.com
Sat Aug 7 17:18:32 EDT 2004

[Jarek Zgoda]
>>> Come on, guys, fix real problems like interpreter thread safety,
>>> improve performance, don't make us, "real-world software
>>> developers", screaming with every new release, please.

[Michael Hudson]
>> http://www.python.org/patches/

> You want to say "if you want any improvement, do it yourself"? Sure,
> it's much better than Java's JCP, but expect
> http://catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/F/fork.html if enough people will share
> the same annoyance and anger.

I don't understand.  If you believe that nobody is volunteering work
on things you want them to work on now (which may well be true,
although it's false that volunteers don't contribute work on thread
and performance issues already), how could merely forking Python make
such volunteers appear?

> I write some free software, but I never tell users "go fix it yourself".
> This is rude.

Under the assumption that volunteers exist who want to work on what
you want them to work on, but that they've somehow managed to miss
Python's patch tracker, Michael was helpfully giving them the one clue
they still needed to make you happy <wink>.

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