How does a "script" differ from a "program" or "subroutine"?

Delaney, Timothy C (Timothy) tdelaney at
Tue Aug 24 17:58:44 EDT 2004

tdi wrote:

> Ok, stupid question for the day. I'm reading the interview with Steve
> Moret and he says: "Once a lot of scripts started going in we knew
> there was no way we could back out of using Python."
> I'm just getting into Python and am wondering if I'm missing something
> or this is just a semantic issue.

Lots of replies have focussed on "script" vs "program". However, Steve
was talking about something else in Temple of Elemental Evil - applying
scripts to objects and actions.

In this context, a "script" is any piece of code tied to a particular
object or action - for example, casting a spell results in a "script"
being run.

In this context, a script may be a function/subroutine, or a program, or
whatever. In the case of ToEE each "script" was implemented as a python

Tim Delaney

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