XML documentation stinks - help?

Robert Kern rkern at ucsd.edu
Tue Aug 31 23:51:15 EDT 2004

Simon John wrote:

> I'm sure this must be a PEP, but could someone look at the PyXML
> documentation?
> I'm trying to evaluate XML on Python (to eventually use it with
> XML-RPC) as apposed to Perl.
> The problem is, I can't find a simple demo or documentation that just
> says how to create a parser object, and call the start/char/end event
> handlers.
> With Perl's XML::Parser, it's that simple, you overload a
> start/char/end handler that gets called for every element, then you
> just create a hash of the data or whatever you want.
> Most of the sites I Googled don't even exist anymore or have either
> incomplete documentation, out-of-date documentation, or have way
> over-complex examples that don't even explain why their importing
> modules or what they're doing.

Did the Python/XML HOWTO not meet your needs?


Note Chapter 5 on the SAX API, which looks like what you describe. It 
seems to be fairly straightforward to me.

Robert Kern
rkern at ucsd.edu

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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