Pyhton Interpreter Startup time

Cousin Stanley CousinStanley at HotMail.Com
Thu Aug 12 22:19:59 EDT 2004

| ....
| This primitive test shows these results on a Windows XP machine
| ( it won't work with Windows 98 
|   as it can't chain commands 
|   on the command line like that, 
|   but you could but it in a batch file ).
| ....

  I stuck it in a  .bat  file under Win98_SE
  on the same dual-boot machine that I used 
  for the Linux/Debian test .... 

      Win98_SE .... Python 2.3 Enthought Edition
      Debian ...... Python 2.3.4

< K:\C\MinGWStudio\Samples\Time\Debug >
  Thu 08-12-2004 18:49:03.23

    Number of Seconds Since January 1, 1970 ....


The Linux/Debian number is only slightly quicker
with Python 2.3.4 and probably given a larger number
of tests, there might be no significant difference ....

    Number of seconds ......... 1092323003
    Python .................... 1092323003.36

So, for an old 250 MHz machine, I seem to be loading
Python OK for both Win98 & Linux .... 

Cousin Stanley
Human Being
Phoenix, Arizona

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