Popular Python projects with lots of pure Python code

Brett C. brett at python.org
Tue Aug 10 14:26:06 EDT 2004

"Brett C." <bac at OCF.Berkeley.EDU> wrote in message news:
> Any suggestions?

Just  a quick thanks to everyone who has responded.  I truly
appreciate the help on this!  This is why the Python community is just
so damn cool!

And here are some quick answers to some questions that have come up in
the thread...

"Big" is relative; not looking for simple scripts, but otherwise I am
open.  No real minimum size or anything.

The projects do not have to be devoid of C; just have enough Python
code to warrant using.

"Popular" is also relative.  Since Python is not used here at my
school (Cal Poly SLO), I wanted to also use my thesis as a slight PR
piece within the department.  Being able to list big, popular Python
projects would help to show the legitimacy of the language to

Please suggest only open source projects.  While I have no issue with
proprietary projects personally I don't want to have to worry about
what I can and cannot discuss in my thesis.

I personally don't need any more web projects listed.  Go for it if
this thread just  keeps going, but with the ones listed so far that is
plenty.  I would love to get a wide swath of projects so as to make
sure my thesis can't be accused of not being representative of non-web

Something I should have mentioned in the OP is anything that has a
benchmark is an uber-plus!  I am going to end up having to benchmark
some code that I did not gather stats on along with some that I did to
try to show that this was all worth it.  Already plan to use pystone
and parrotbench.

Anyway, here is the current list that I have going.  Ignore the
question marks; just means I have not decided whether I am definitely
using it or not.


Projects for stat collection
+ Stdlib (w/o test)
+ Docutils
+ Twisted?
+ Zope?
    * Plone?
+ ReportLab?
+ wxPython?
+ BitTorrent?
+ SpamBayes?
+ Mailman?
+ SiGeFi ?
+ Plucker ?
+ Universal Feed Parser ?
+ Shtoom?
+ Divmod Quotient?
+ MoinMoin?
+ PIL?
+ PySNMP ?
+ scipy ?
+ Boa Constructor ?
+ PythonCard ?
+ OpenGLContext ?
+ PyTable ?

+ pystone
+ parrotbench

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