A problem with GzipFile (BUG?)

Paulo da Silva psXdaXsilva at esotericaX.ptX
Fri Aug 13 21:00:35 EDT 2004


I am writing to a file mixing "Normal" with gziped Data.
For that I am using GzipFile. For ex. 1st I write some data (A),
then I open a GzipFile and write let's say N (uncompressed) bytes (B). 
Then I close GzipFile, write some more data (C) and close the file.
Unfortunately, when reading the the N compressed bytes (B) and
closing GzipFile, I didn't *always* get correctly positioned at
the beginning of (C)! Is this a bug? Is there a way to exhaust
all the bytes written to GzipFile so that the file pointer *always*
point to beginning of (C)?

Most of times this works fine, but not always!

Thanks for any help.

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