python under subversion (svn)

Graham Dumpleton grahamd at
Tue Apr 27 19:53:15 EDT 2004

Richie Hindle <richie at> wrote in message news:<mailman.43.1083077828.25742.python-list at>...

> You also need to decide whether your trunk and branches will live at the top
> level with the projects underneath them, or whether the projects will live
> at the top level with the trunks and branches underneath them.  Because of
> the way I'm traditionally accustomed to using CVS, I prefer to think of the
> trunk and branches as top-level concepts with the projects living within
> them.  Hence I'd do something like this:
> After import:
> trunk/
>   myproject/
>     doc/
>     mypackage/
>     test/
>       go_test

Having "trunk" at the top level and projects under it is also better when you
have multiple projects. This is because you can do one checkout of the
"trunk" root directory and get the main version of all projects in one go.
If you have the "trunk" under the project name, you have to do a checkout
on each projects trunk to get the latest of everything, which is more work.

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