Don't understand wxPython event handling

Robin Dunn robin at
Thu Apr 1 17:46:31 EST 2004

Robert wrote:
> Hello list,
> could somebody point me to a good reference about wxPython event handling?
> I have seen many examples but which one is the best. Waht are the advantages
> and disadvantages?
The wxPython demo

> Can you also have a short look at the example below and give me some
> comments, please?
> Example:
> I have implemented (or copied from somewhere) one event in two flavours.
> Both work, but which one is the best? Or does anybody have a better
> implementation.
> EVT_NEXT_PAGE_ID = wxNewId()

wxNewId is meant for window/menuItem/toolbarItem IDs.  wxNewEventType 
should be used for, uh, new eventTypes ;-)

> def EVT_NEXT_PAGE( win, func ):
>     """Your documentation here"""
>     win.Connect( -1, -1, EVT_NEXT_PAGE_ID, func )
> class showNextPageEvent(wxPyEvent):
>     def __init__(self, windowID):
>         wxPyEvent.__init__(self)
>         self.SetEventType(EVT_NEXT_PAGE_ID)

This is fine (or deriving from wxPyCommandEvent if you want the event to 
propgate to parent windows,) but even better is to use the newevent 
module in the wxPython library.  It contains functions that generate on 
the fly an event class and binder function similar to the above for you, 
but it will help your code to be future proof in case things change in 
future releases.

	import wx.lib.newevent
	showNextPageEvent, EVT_NEXT_PAGE = wx.lib.newevent.NewEvent()

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman  Java give you jitters?  Relax with wxPython!

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