Unsung Modules, rev 3

Bill Scherer Bill.Scherer at VerizonWireless.com
Thu Apr 1 07:08:39 EST 2004

Soory I missed the anniversary by a few months, but here I am again 
taking up the unsung modules torch.  For a review see:


Spread is still unsung, I think. And there has been a fair bit of 
bickering about threads latey, so maybe Queue needs to be sung about more.

For this year's installment, I nominate VPython, aka visual. No, I'm not 
related (AFAIK!) to it's creator David Scherer.  What amazes me most 
about it is this: this 3D graphical environment is easier to use than 
most, if not all, of the 2D gui toolkits. And that's not an April Fool's 

So, what's your favorite unsung module today?

-- Bill Scherer

When Python's all you've got,
Every problem looks like a mouse.

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