AOP use cases

Tor Iver Wilhelmsen tor.iver.wilhelmsen at
Sat Apr 24 13:32:47 EDT 2004

Peter Hansen <peter at> writes:

> I would be very interested to hear some real-world and real useful
> use cases for AOP as well.  So far, the logging example seems to
> be put forth so often that I'm starting to suspect that's the
> *only* "useful" thing people are doing with it. :-)

A couple of other examples:

- Implementing Singleton as an aspect which states that calling
  set*(self, value) methods on a set of classes should raise an
  AttributeError - or just do nothing
- Measure execution time of a method by wrapping an aspect-"advice"
  around it

An AOP mechanism for Python i googled up:

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