Difficulty Finding Python Developers

Raymond Hettinger python at rcn.com
Thu Apr 15 11:01:39 EDT 2004

[Paul Morrow]
> posted a job on Monster, but we have been talking with various
> headhunters in our area and they don't have many resumes that show
> Python experience.  An so now, of course, mgt is wondering whether
> selecting Python was a mistake.

With a C++ code, it is critical for your programmers to have years of
C++ experience.  However, with Python, experienced programmers can get
up to speed over a weekend.

One way to capitalize on your company's Python migration effort is to
change the way you hire.  Instead of language experience being the
primary filter, you can now focus on people skills and knowledge of
the problem domain.

There is no shortage of sophisticated Python code written by
scientists who are not professional programmers.  Knowledge of the
problem domain rules.

Raymond Hettinger

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