wxListCtrl with CheckBox?

simo simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Wed Apr 21 12:34:36 EDT 2004

Josiah Carlson <jcarlson at uci.edu> wrote:

> What I meant was that you should replace your listctrl with a wx.Grid 
> instance.  You can emulate every bit of functionality (except perhaps 
> the row-selection) of a listctrl with a Grid.  You just need to rewrite 
> the subclass properly.
> In terms of being /able/ to have checkboxes in the Grid, check out the 
> wxPython demo, it has an example with a checkbox in a cell.

Yeah, I looked at GridCustTable.py and that's a pretty close
approximation of a ListCtrl, but the checkbox (bool) really is nasty -
having to triple-click to check the box, and then the whole cell gets
highlighted instead of just the box, and it's looks awful on Linux
(kinda weird checkbox on Windows too!)

I'm afraid I'm never going to find a satisfactory solution. Anyone got
a tutorial on how to make custom wxPython widgets? This was the one
thing I was hoping for in 2.5 :-(

Thanks for the help anyway....

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