wxListCtrl with CheckBox?

simo simoninusa2001 at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Apr 10 14:23:01 EDT 2004

Harald Massa <cpl.19.ghum at spamgourmet.com> wrote:

> > I've got a report list and want to have a checkbox in the last column
> > of each row.

> Get the checkbos in the first column of each row and use a wx.checklistbox 

No that won't work as you can't put any widgets in the first column of
a wxListCtrl, only a bitmap.

And a wxCheckListBox is entirely different from a list *with*
checkboxes - it's a list *of* checkboxes IYSWIM.

Plus, it really has to be in the last column for my app :-(

I fear I'm getting to the point I was when I gave up on PyQt - I've
run out of widgets, and am going to have to start looking at making my
own somehow.....

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