Python from the command line (was: Choosing Perl/Python for my particular niche)

Fred Ma fma at
Thu Apr 1 17:21:07 EST 2004

Cameron Laird wrote:
> >I've put in a request to my sysadmin to install python.  The
> >way to get hooked on it is to start small, with mundane tasks
> >(same as with any new shell, I suppose).  If it doesn't get
> >installed due to lack of priority, I can always get it
> >bundled with my next cygwin update.  Cygwin is an absolute
> >blessing.  Everything comes prebuilt (lots of stuff) and
> >you have superuser priveleges, as well as simultaneous
> >access to Windows.  Just as long as your HDD isn't FAT
> >(that prevents chmod from working).
> Oh!  Apparently Win* is the platform of interest; that
> hadn't occurred to me.
> There's a LOT to say specifically on the topic of Python-
> for-Windows-system-administration.  You might want to
> start with Mark Hammond's book.
> I'm no great fan of CYGWIN for my own use, although I
> certainly recognize it's been historically important.
> It occurs to me that perhaps we haven't made adequately
> clear how easy it is to install native Python on Windows.
> It should take less time doing it than talking about do-
> ing it.  I'm not arguing with your approach; I just want
> to ensure we've been clear about the alternatives.

Actually, didn't mean to cause a great deal of confusion here,
but solaris is the main platform.  But I access solaris boxes
from a PC.  And since I have a mapped network drive, I can use
PC tools to work on my unix files.

I agree, installing stuff on windows is easy.  My comment about
cygwin is that it's even easier than easy.  I just have to check
off the Python box.  That gives me opportunity to try it for
small things.

By no means am I comparing cygwin to other unix environments for
the PC.  I enjoy it out of convenience.  Most of my stuff is on
the solaris, and cygwin gives me a nice posix shell without
leaving the windows environment.

Fred Ma
Dept. of Electronics, Carleton University
1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario
Canada, K1S 5B6

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