Python OS

William Park opengeometry at
Sun Apr 11 15:16:03 EDT 2004

A Evans <ae> wrote:
> I have a question concerning the development of Python Based Operating
> System. You see I have had sort of a dream to develop an Open Source
> Operating System that would revolutionize the OS market and Since I
> started using Python I have fallen in love with the language. Reading
> articles here and there I have read that Python is a more secure
> language than C. I also read another article (I can't remember which)
> saying Python would not be able to develop an OS. I don't believe its
> true however. I am by no means a programmer at this stage. But as I
> learn more and more I see Python as the Holy Grail of programming
> languages
> My questions would then be, is Python capable of creating an OS from
> scratch and if so would it be plausible if possible

This would be interesting thesis material.  As someone else quoted,
    "In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice.
    But, in practice, there is."

William Park, Open Geometry Consulting, <opengeometry at>
Linux solution/training/migration, Thin-client

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