CamelCase versus wide_names (Prothon)

Michael Geary Mike at
Thu Apr 15 14:06:22 EDT 2004

Kevin Altis wrote:
> If you're using PEP 8 terminology then CamelCase is different
> than mixedCase. CamelCase is often used for class names and
> mixedCase for everything else.

Just to add to the confusing terminology, in some circles mixed case with an
initial lowercase letter is called camelCase, while mixed case with initial
uppercase is called PascalCase. :-)

In any case ;-) Mark is referring to both forms, WithInitialCapital and

The initial capital letter actually has significance in Prothon (I
think--unless that has changed). So the question is whether to use
NamesLikeThis and namesLikeThis, or Names_like_this and names_like_this.

-Mike (instigator of the discussion and major fan of [Mm]ixedCaseNames,
whatever they are called)

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